How Often Should I Have My Children’s Eyes Screened

Your Eye M.D. (ophthalmologist) recommends the following schedule for pediatric eye examinations.


Screening for eye disease by trained personnel-Eye M.D. (ophthalmologist), pediatrician or trained screener should be conducted at:

  • Newborn to 3 months
  • 6 months to 1 year
  • 3 years (approximately)
  • 5 years (approximately)

Some factors may put your child at increased risk for eye disease. If any of these factors apply to your child, check with your Eye M.D. to see how often you should have a medical eye exam:

  • Developmental delay
  • Premature birth
  • Personal or family history of eye disease
  • African-American heritage (African-Americans are at increased risk for glaucoma)
  • Previous serious eye injury
  • Use of certain medications (check with your Eye M.D.)

Some diseases that affect the whole body (such as diabetes or HIV infection)